#ForTheHope daily audio Bible

Isaiah 36-39 | Jesus among other religions, part 9

Episode Summary

Imagine your child goes off to a “Christian” college…and only then you learn that the president of the school doesn’t even believe in the resurrection and other essential elements of what makes Christianity Christianity.

Episode Notes

Imagine your child goes off to a “Christian” college…and only then you learn that the president of the school doesn’t even believe in the resurrection and other essential elements of what makes Christianity Christianity. 

Well, if they went to Union Theological Seminary – a seminary no less – that’s what you’d have. And I simply say this to underscore the importance of your mission, our mission together.

Remember when Paul said that if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead in a bodily resurrection, we’re all idiots? (1 Co 15) The only way we get there is to call the Bible a collection of nice ideas, but some of them aren’t so nice, so we’ll just say something like “my God is a God of love and is bigger than all that.”

Bible segment: Reading along with The Bible Project

Today’s personal prayer reading: Psalm 117
Translation: CSB (Christian Standard Bible)
Our reading: Isaiah 36-39

Apologetics segment: Gary Habermas and Jesus’ uniqueness

Find these notes at forthehope.com

Gary Habermas, “The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ Among the Major World Religions” (Lynchburg, VA: GaryHabermas.com, 2016). http://www.garyhabermas.com/Evidence2/Habermas-Uniqueness-of-Jesus-Christ-2016.pdf. Accessed April 17, 2019.

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